
National University Honours 1st Year Result 2022

National University Honours 1st Year Result 2022: Are you looking for national University Honours 1st Year Result 2022? Don’t worry in this article we are going to describe all the available methods to know about the results. The Honours 1st Year Result 2022 of the academic year of 2019 & session is 2019-20 published date is here. You can get the result date from here. The possible date of NU Honours 1st Year Result 2022 result is January 2022.

In this article, we will write all the way to get the NU Results 2022. Any students can get their results by following the best method that we are writing below. Students will get their results in January 2022 easily by Online & SMS Method by doing some procedures.

NU Honours 1st Year Result 2022

For the last few months National University Honours 1st Year result 2022 is the most wanted search keyword on Google. Today’s in this article we will show you “How to get Honours 1st Year Result 2022” So let’s started.

Honours 1st Year Result 2022

All the information to collect the Honours 1st Year Exam Result 2022 is here. Every year a large number of students are attending the examination. I know you know the national University is the biggest university in Bangladesh. Most of the colleges in Bangladesh are associated with this University. Students are leading their Educational Lifestyle under the University around various Colleges in Bangladesh. Every year more than 1,00,000+ Students are passed Graduation through from National University Bangladesh.

If you want to know about your results from National University. You can easily check your desired results by following a simple method from the National University Official Website. Most probably the following result will be published soon.  We are proving all kinds of Results & routines for National universities and others as well.

রেজাল্ট দেখতে সমস্যা হলে এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন: অনার্স ১ম বর্ষ ফলাফল ২০২২

How to Get Honours 1st Year Result 2022?

Most of the students are searching for the Honours 1st Year Result 2019. But most of them don’t know how to get the results easily through your Mobile Phone as well as the Internet. In this session, e will strongly brief you all about the process to get the NU Honours Result 2022. You can get your results in 2 (Two) different ways.
    1. Honours 1st Year Result 2022 By Internet/Online
    2. Honours 1st Year Result 2022 By Mobile SMS

Check Honours 1st Year Result 2022 By Online or Internet

Online is the best way to know the Honours 1st year Result 2022. You can easily download your results from anywhere in the world through the Internet. To collect the result Online you need some information like Roll No, Registration Number & Exam Year. Now we are showing you the full process to get the results Online. So let’s go and collect your results.

Honours 1st Year Result Online System

    1. First of all, go to the NU Official website
    2. Then select “Honours” from the left sidebar.
    3. Then you need to select “1st Year”
    4. After selecting 1st Year, you need to select “Individual Result”
    5. Then Type Your Roll Number & Registration Number
    6. Then Type 2020 as your Exam Year
    7. Finally, fill up the captcha code and hit Search Result Button.
    8. After clicking this button You will Show your “Honours 1st Year Result With Marksheet”

National University Honours Results

Honours 1st Year Result By Mobile SMS

If you have no Internet! Don’t worry, You can get your desired result by sending an SMS to the National University server. There is a simple process to do that. First, you need a valid Mobile Phone with a Valid SIM card. You just need to send an SMS. This SMS will charge 2.50 Taka from your SIM Card. So you need to recharge your SIM Card before sending the SMS.  Now we are showing you the process step by step below.

    1. You need to go to the Message Option on your Mobile
    2. Then Type “NU<space>H1<space>Roll_Number”
    3. Send this SMS to 16222 Number
    4. Within a few seconds, you will receive an SMS with your desired results
    5. Enjoy!

NU H1 456789 Send To 16222

National University Honours 1st Year Exam Result

We hope that you are all clear about all the processes to get the National University Honours First Year Results. We describe the way to get the Results easily. After publishing the Results from the National University, you will be able to see your results through these 2 method.

Honours 1st Year Re-Scrutiny Process

National University gave opportunities to the students for Re-scrutiny process. Students can challenge and re-check their Exam Paper by doing some procedures. First of all, you need to fill up an application form Online. Then you have to pay 880 BDT Taka to the Sonali Bank Limited from anywhere in Bangladesh. You must submit this application within the deadline.


We that by following this process you are now able to collect your results Online or Mobile. We know that you are really waiting for the Honours 1st year result 2022. If you face any kinds of problem to collect your results. Just put down your Roll and Registration number in our Comment section. We will try to provide you with the best effort for you. Thanks for visiting EduPoka.Com. Best of luck to all examinees.

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